FILE: Sailor Moon FAQ 95
SIZE: 102k
a must-download! (for those who run Windows 95, that is..) The famous Sailor Moon FAQ, converted into Win95 Help file.. approved by SM FAQ author, Ken Arromdee. Build 1.7.14
FILE: Sailor Moon FAQ 2
Another version of Sailor Moon FAQ, created by Ben Goodger, maintainer of Central Control JE. If i'm not mistaken, this Help file works both with Win95 and Windows 3.1..
FILE: Sailor Moon FAQ
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For those poor souls without Windows 95 (yes, i know it's debatable.. ;) here's the latest version of the original Sailor Moon FAQ, saved as a plain text document.
FILE: Hitoshi Doi's SM Page
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Probably the most popular SM page in the world.. episode synopses, guide to characters and items, information about the animators and seyiuu,(Japanese voice actors) and much more..
FILE: SM Scripts Archive
SIZE: 899k
According to "Tuxedo" Will, the site's owner.. "the largest collection of SM scripts and synopses.. also some other support files of interest to SM otaku."
FILE: Pit of the Lunar Inquisition
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Scripts of Sailor Stars episodes and FUT (a glossary of terms related to manga and anime, plus a guide to Japanese pronounciation) make this rather original site worth visiting..
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All the SailorMoon S episodes summaries not written by Hitoshi Doi can be found there..(i haven't had time to check this link, so visit it at your own risk! ::evil laughter::)
FILE: Cult of Serenity
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Sailor Moon milestones for the Japanese version, DiC version and manga versions. Also full-page senshi biographies, opening song lyrics and a lot more...